Sign the petition to stop John King's confirmation to Secretary of Education
I'm a veteran elementary classroom teacher. And I have a lot of questions. This is my attempt to share with others, in hopes of finding a few answers...
(Site under intermittent construction. Changes may appear randomly at any time.)
A word or two about this Blog site:
I've resisted creating my own place here in cyberspace for some time. There are many brilliant, articulate people writing about what's going on in public education. Mountains of data and knowledge that expose the "education reform" movement as neither can be found all over the internet. I highly recommend you check out or, for starters.
I would like to use this site as a way to rant a little and to pose my own questions, as issues in my daily teaching life impel me to rant and I do like to ask questions. And my friends and family may have grown weary of me filling their inboxes. I also like to muse about possible answers, and hope I will be heard in cyberspace by at least a few interested readers.
Having said that, I seek communication in writing that moves the conversation forward, even towards actionable results. I know I can't control writers I've never met and never will meet, but if you choose to comment, I encourage you to help us understand your point of view. Snark is welcomed. Rudeness is not.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Sign the petition to stop John King's confirmation to Secretary of Education
I worry about the deafening silence that, intentional or not, implies acceptance or even complicity.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
- · Greater involvement of
educators in the test development process,
- · Decrease in the number of
test questions, and
- · A shift to untimed testing.
When what they should really be doing is saying “Wait a second, parents, teachers, administrators, citizens – stakeholders with significant things to lose – are asking for change. I need to ensure I propose real change. I need to make sure I contribute to solutions and not perpetuate the problems. I need to make sure my superiors don’t co-opt me to further their own political agenda which is hurting children and our schools.”
But that is but a dream I have. I know human nature keeps most from thinking critically when it may be in opposition to directives from above.
No, I'm not honestly surprised. But thanks anyway to those of you who signed my petition.
I'm still sending it.
Maybe too little, too late.
But I have to keep doing my small acts.
I know they're mostly futile. But it seems to keep me moving forward, rather than freezing me in my tracks like so much of the insanity around me threatens to do.
So here's my latest, in the form of another letter to New York State Education Department - unanswered, naturally:
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Twice this week while searching for something new to watch on internet video, I randomly came across movies/shows with similar messages. The Experimenter turned out to be the story of Stanley Milgram. (Odd, because I had just been writing about Intelligent Obedience...) While I wouldn't recommend it as the greatest movie ever, it certainly shares his story effectively and shows his research into the human capacity of otherwise decent people to inflict harm on strangers. (They were just doing as they were told...)
The other message came by way of PBS' "Foyle's War." As a kid growing up in a Jewish, progressive family, I wrestled with trying to understand how Hitler had been so successful in a modern, civilized world. How could so many people comply with his brutal, illogical dictates? Where were the voices of opposition, the unified outrage in the face of insanity? While this show doesn't deal directly with these questions, the story lines incorporate the reality that people thought they were doing what was right. They were following strong, articulate leaders, acting based on fear, and failing to question how harming others could be an ethical, moral way to live life.
I am not trying to directly compare the unspeakable horrors of WWII to the "education reform" efforts in this country. But there are comparisons worth making. Because at their most basic level, both moments in history rely on fear, compliance, blind following, and unquestioning obedience to authority.
Again, again, I say: Intelligent Obedience. We need to learn from the seeing eye dogs. Sometimes, it is absolutely imperative to disobey orders. Even when we fear the consequences.
In the face of all the illogical mandates and policies created in the name of "education reform" in the past decade, we need to find our collective inner strength and speak truth to power.
The future of our schools and our democracy depend on our bravery and resolve to speak out with one voice. The voice of reason and sanity in the face of the insanity before us.
Please join me.
Friday, February 19, 2016
INTELLIGENT DISOBEDIENCE: An idea whose time has come
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Sign the petition to stop John King's confirmation to Secretary of Education
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Sample Letter to Congressmen/women re: John King
I am positive there are many, many substantive issues upon which Mr. Chaffetz, Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and I disagree. But I think he’s Chairing an investigation worth supporting at this time. There is much that could be learned from further questioning. The hearings to this point in time seem to raise more questions than have been answered.
I believe a worthwhile first letter-writing action should include the following:
Contacting Congressman Chaffetz to both thank him for leading an investigation into the Department of Education’s CIO, and encourage him to continue investigating how the Department functions. (It has one of the worst “job satisfaction” ratings in the entire government, which has to mean something.)
What questions do you think should be asked? Please send me your thoughts and I will formulate a sample letter to share. Or write your own letter.
Alternatively, you can write your own representative, even if they’re not on the Committee, to share your concerns.