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A word or two about this Blog site:

I've resisted creating my own place here in cyberspace for some time. There are many brilliant, articulate people writing about what's going on in public education. Mountains of data and knowledge that expose the "education reform" movement as neither can be found all over the internet. I highly recommend you check out dianeravitch.com or curmudgucation.blogspot.com, for starters.

I would like to use this site as a way to rant a little and to pose my own questions, as issues in my daily teaching life impel me to rant and I do like to ask questions. And my friends and family may have grown weary of me filling their inboxes. I also like to muse about possible answers, and hope I will be heard in cyberspace by at least a few interested readers.

Having said that, I seek communication in writing that moves the conversation forward, even towards actionable results. I know I can't control writers I've never met and never will meet, but if you choose to comment, I encourage you to help us understand your point of view. Snark is welcomed. Rudeness is not.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sample Letter to Congressmen/women re: John King

I teach in New York State.  If you don't, you can remove the first sentence of the second paragraph...

Dear _________________,

Thank you for participating in the hearings into the actions of the Department of Education’s Chief Information Officer, Dr. Danny Harris.  While it is still unclear if Dr. Harris’ actions were illegal, unethical, counter to Department policy, or just plain bad choices, one thing was made very clear during the February 2nd testimony - John King is a person worth questioning further. 

As a teacher in the great state of New York, I witnessed first hand the detrimental effects of his rush to implement unproven and developmentally inappropriate standards in our state’s public schools.  He has a history of being unresponsive to outside suggestions, guidance, and feedback.  While working as the Commissioner of Education in New York, he remained consistently dismissive of pleas to reconsider policy decisions and to slow the pace with which he sought to implement change.  In the face of countless stakeholders (administrators, teachers, parents, and students,) testifying as to the negative impact of his decisions, Mr. King refused to alter his steadfast belief that his way was the only right way.  His rigid, dogmatic responses to concerns and questions raised at the Congressional hearing were consistent with his behavior as Commissioner in New York. 

The results of John King’s decisions have left a wake of confusion, frustration, and destruction in New York schools.  Mr. King’s decisions had such a significantly negative impact, that Governor Cuomo himself, formerly a strong supporter of Mr. King’s, reversed his opinion after Mr. King left to join the DoE following Arne Duncan’s resignation.  Governor Cuomo has stated that there was a “flawed” rush to implement new standards and tests and as such, he was in favor of a total “re-boot” of the process of education reform in our state.  The governor’s words could be accurately be seen as a vote of “no confidence” in the process Mr. King designed and led during his tenure as Commissioner of Education of the State of New York.

Please, I urge you to take a closer look at the actions and goals of John King.  He has a readily observable record in the public schools of New York.  There are many televised forums available where you can witness his bizarre indifference to the pleadings of administrators, teachers, parents, and students.  As Commissioner of Education in New York, he made decisions that continue to negatively impact the students and teachers of New York.  

I urge you to investigate and to question if he is the person that should be leading the Department of Education at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns.



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