It was fascinating and I highly recommend all teachers make the effort to get to Albany at least once in their careers to attend a meeting.
I took lots of notes and hope to post a detailed debriefing this weekend.
These things stick out as important initial observations:
- This message was repeated several times throughout the day - a major goal of the Board is to regain trust. (How they're going to do that is still not completely clear...)
- There seems to have been a deliberate decision to not keep records on how long students chose to sit with the tests in this first year of un-timed tests. (If records weren't kept, then you can't document if there was a problem...)
- Amidst a discussion about the impending roll out of computerized testing (for the 2016-17 school year) a Regent wondered aloud about when the Board had actually agreed to move forward with computerized testing. It was a stunning moment. And while there was a brief discussion following her question, no conclusions were reached and further discussion was put off to another time in the future.
I plan on attending the July meeting. Where in albany is the meeting held and what time is it? Is the public allowed to view the entire meeting?